Mmm…an interesting thought indeed…and was also wondering whether it prompted more men to take up reading…in public of course…
Anyway besides making men look sexy, I think reading is indeed a very healthy pursuit. When I say reading, I’m not only talking about the usual light-reading materials like newspapers and magazines, I am also talking about books…yep, books…fiction as well as non-fiction.
Consider what reading can do for you…
* it exercises your brain
* it makes you think
* it enlightens you
* it empowers you…with knowledge
* it informs you
* it rejuvenates you
* it motivates you
* it encourages you when you are down
* it makes you imagine and fantasize
* it takes you down memory lane
* it sharpens your analytical skills
* it can make you laugh or cry…and
* it entertains you…yep reading can be likened to watching a movie…in fact sometimes people will say that “the novel is even better than the movie”…
Quite a list, wouldn’t you say so?
And the best part about it is you can do it…anytime and anywhere. It’s also a good companion, you could say. But the sad thing is a lot of Malaysians don’t read. The findings of a National Library survey showed that only 13 percent of 27 million Malaysians read books. I’m sure we can do better than that. I still remember in the early 60’s and 70’s I used to see a lot of Australian personnel from the Royal Australian Air Force based in Butterworth reading a book on the ferry on their way back to the island. Many of them were staying in Tanjung Bungah at that time. It was like a daily ritual for them…and a good one I should say.
Now, what about me, you may ask. Well I must admit that I don’t qualify to be a bookworm but I certainly do my share of reading. I read all kinds of books, fiction and non-fiction…
To give you an idea of what I read, I have posted pics of some of the books that I have read and am reading.
A Nyonya in Texas is GOOD!!! XD Yes I think men reading (books, not newspapers) are sexy XD Damn lo those who read newspapers just look old XDXD oops sorry sir do you read newspapers in public? ROFL
No offense meant ^^
Oh why didn't you post up a pic of that Tim Allen book :P
Btw I'm reading 'Misery' by Stephen King now...gonna proceed with 'Pet Semetary' lol.
(P/s : Reading those books make me look back at my own work and realize how crappy they are T^T)
yumimi: gosh looks like my newspaper-reading days in public are over...but wait...i'm old it's ok la...
firesky: din post dat tim allen bk cos ppl may misunderstand la...u know la...enjoy ur read:)
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